Sunday, December 21, 2008

Lyrical Revelation

I'm at home, wrapping Christmas gifts and listening to Lonesome, On'ry and Mean: A Tribute to Waylon Jennings. Track three is the classic Bob McDill song "Amanda," which Waylon used to sing and with which Don Williams had a hit. I first heard the song sung by Jim Ringer and have heard Waylon's version and probably one or two other versions.

I always thought that the chorus was

Amanda, light of my life,
They should have made you a gentleman's wife.

And I always vaguely wondered who "they" were and why they had the power to decide who Amanda should become.

Well, on Lonesome, On'ry and Mean, Dave Alvin finally enunciated well enough for me to come to understand that the lyrics actually are

Amanda, light of my life,
Fate should have made you a gentleman's wife.

Got it. Makes a bit more sense now.

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