Saturday, February 13, 2010

New Adventures in Indonesian Reggae

On Friday night, a group of folks from Wisma Bahasa, the school where I'm currently studying in Jogjakarta, Indonesia, went out to karaoke. The evening ended with the loss of electricity and our decision to head home for the night, but in the two hours of karaoke that preceded that event, there were a couple of brilliant discoveries.

One of those was the hit song of the late Mbah Surip, "Bangun Tidur," a song about maybe getting up or not in the morning.

The chorus is
Bangun tidur. Tidur lagi.
Bangun lagi. Tidur lagi.
Bangu-u-u-un. Tidur lagi.
which means
Wake up. Sleep again.
Wake up again. Sleep again.
Wake-up. Sleep again.
Catchy, right?

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